Roasted PEPPERS (2).jpg


Roasted peppers are just convenient to have on hand.  I find myself adding them to lots of different dishes: spaghetti sauce, HUMMUS, sandwiches, just about anything that could use that extra bit a flavor.  Roasting peppers gives you that pepper flavor but adds sweetness to your dish.  Plus, once you roast them, pop them in the freezer or a jar cover in oil to use all winter long.

Makes 1 cup roasted peppers

4-5 sweet bell peppers, red, green, purple, yellow, orange

Olive oil, if preserving them in oil

Put oven on high broil.  Place peppers on a baking sheet.  Broil the peppers until the tops start to blacken.  Repeat on all sides of the pepper.  Some oven may take longer.  You can also char the skin by placing it over the open flame if you have a gas stovetop.  Once all sides have been charred, wrap in tin foil until cool to touch.  Once the peppers are cool enough to handle, removed charred skin, the core and seeds.  If freezing, place peppers in plastic bags and freeze.  If preserving in oil, stuff peppers into a jar and cover with olive oil.  Put in refrigerator and use within 5-7 days.