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Creamy Tomato SOUP

We are a soup and sandwich kind of family.  Not only is it easy, but the grilled cheese is just the starting off point.  You can do grilled ham and cheese, avocados, fancy cheeses, really anything goes when it comes to grilled cheese.  But if you do not have the tomato soup to go with it what the hell are you going to dip the sandwich in?  Please god do not say ranch.  I have been making this soup with my sandwiches for years, but lately I’ve skipped the sandwich and found new way to bring the soup to the next level.  Fresh avocados, spiced pickle cabbage, bread and butter pickles, fancy cheeses are now my toppings for this fantastic tomato soup.  So now instead of Soup and Sandwich Night, it Soup and Anything but the Bread Night.

Serves a family.

2 tablespoons of butter

1 batch of Lazy Tomato SAUCE, about 1 quart

2 cups of chicken broth

¾ -1 cup of heavy whipping cream

Salt and pepper to taste

In a medium saucepan, heat butter until it starts to foam.  Pour in tomato sauce and chicken broth.  Let simmer of low heat for 30 minutes to an hour.  If thicker consistency is desired, go longer.  Before serving pour in the cream, salt and pepper to taste.  Garish with fresh herb, pickled items, cheese, drizzle with cream.