Lazy Tomato SAUCE

To be clear, the word “lazy” does not apply to the tomatoes in this case.  Yes, I am the lazy one.  Sometimes I just don’t want to put in a lot of effort towards dinner, but I also want to make my meal worthwhile.  Now this is not a recipe that just tastes okay because steps were skipped.  No, this is the best tomato sauce I make, and it just so happens to be easy.  In the ingredients listed below you can skip or add anything that you have laying around. In the past I have used, peppers, celery, carrots, onions, leaks, garlic, scallions and whatever else I needed to use up.  So, go ahead be lazy and have good tomato sauce at the same time.

Serves a family

10-15 roma tomatoes, cut in half

1 onion roughly chopped

3-4 heads of garlic, peeled

2-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1-2 Tablespoons of fresh herbs

Salt and pepper to taste.

Place tomatoes cut side up onto a baking sheet.  Place onions, garlic, and herbs onto the same baking sheet.  Spread out. Drizzle oil over vegetables, salt, and pepper to taste.  Place in the oven at 325 degrees for 1-2 hours or until the vegetables have lost some of their moisture.  If you haven’t burnt or dried them out completely, they should be fine.  When the vegetables are roasted to your liking, place them in a blender to puree.  Place puree in a large saucepot on medium heat.  Salt and pepper to taste.  Serve with your favorite spaghetti noodles, or whatever you have lying around.