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Zucchini LATKES

Trust me when I tell you that zucchini can get out of control in a hurry.  I love the baby zucchinis that have unnoticeable seeds and can handle a fry in the skillet, but to pick them at that perfect stage is like getting free coffee.  It is likely you have had free coffee, but most of the time you just pay for it.  Most of the time I get out the zucchini plant and I must extract a baseball bat size zucchini.  So, when life gives you huge zucchini, make zucchini latkes.  With a little bit of trimming, you turn that oversized zucchini into a delicious side dish.

Makes 12-24 latkes

2 ½ cups grated zucchini, cut the seeds out if this is a big zucchini

1 cup peeled and shredded potatoes

1 cup shredded carrots

½ teaspoons salt

3 eggs

Salt and pepper to taste

¾ flour

1 teaspoons thyme

½ cup crumbled feta

¼ cup vegetable oil

Place shredded zucchini carrots and potatoes in a colander.  Squeeze to release the water from the vegetables.  Sprinkle with salt and let stir for 15 minutes.  Come back and squeeze out as much moisture as possible.  In a large mixing bowl mix eggs, vegetables and salt and pepper to taste.  Stir in flour, thyme, and feta.  Heat vegetable oil in large skillet.  When the oil is ready, drop latke mix into the pan pressing into pancake form.  You can fry 3-4 at a time, depending on the size of the latkes and the pan.  Add more oil as needed and repeat.