
Sweet Corn SOUP

Yes, I know that sweet corn and a cold day don’t really go together.  But this sweet corn soup is perfect when the weather is just a little chilly, maybe a bit rainy and we are just at the tail end of the corn season.  This soup is creamy, sweet and no two batches will ever be the same as sweet corn changes its flavor throughout the season. 

1 ½ cups leeks, chopped (I use onions if I don’t have leeks)

1 Tbl Butter

½ cup vegetable stock

4 ears of corn, kernels cut off the cob

½ cup heavy cream

Salt, pepper and paprika to taste

Cook onions in butter over medium high heat until onions become translucent.  Add corn and vegetable stock and simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until corn is tender.

Puree the corn mixture in food processor or an emulsion blender until smooth.  Add heavy cream and bring to a gentle simmer, 5 minutes.

Add seasonings to taste.  Garnish with corn red peppers or fresh dill.  Serve warm.