blue hubbard squash.jpg

Roasted SQUASH

There is something about fall and squash that should rival any other fall pairing.  Pumpkin spice lattes, Apple Crisp, get all the love during the fall, but winter squash, I think, should really be the food of the fall.  And roasting squash should be the first thing you try if winter squash is not a staple on your table.  I have been using this simple recipe for years, but it is constantly changing to sweet to savory to salads.  That is one of the best things about roasted squash, it has so many uses and can take on many different flavors.

Serves a family as a side dish

1 small/medium sized winter squash, butternut, buttercup, blue hubbard

2-3 tablespoons olive oil

Salt to taste

Preheat of to 425 degrees.  Peel squash and remove the insides.  Cut squash into 1-inch cubes.  Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.  Drizzle oil and salt, coating all sides of the squash.  Place in oven for 20-25 minutes, or until squash is tender and slightly browned.