Rebel Focaccia Mix
1- 1 1/4 cup warm water
4-8 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil, divided
Fresh Thyme, optional

Empty the dried Rebel Focaccia into a large bowl. Add half of the fresh thyme to the flour mix. Warm the 1-1 1/4 cup of water in a measuring cup. Add 4 tablespoons of olive oil into the water. Pour most water mixture into the dry mix. Stir with a rubber spatula until no dry flour remains. Add remaining water mixture if dough is too dry. Turn the dough out onto the counter and kneed. The dough should be slightly sticky but workable. Add more flour if it becomes unmanageable. Kneed for 5-10 minutes. Grease the bowl and place the dough back into the bowl, making sure the dough is well oiled. Cover with a towel and let rest for 1-2 hours. Meanwhile line a large baking sheet with parchment paper drizzle generously with more oil, 1-2 tablespoons. After rising time, pour the dough onto the oiled sheet. Coating your fingers with oil spread the dough to the edge of the pan. Holes in the dough are encouraged! The thinner it is spread the crunchier the bread, your choice. Let the bread rise for another hour. Preheat oven to 425-degrees. Drizzle the top of the bread with more olive oil and top with thyme. Bake bread in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

Remove bread from oven and enjoy! Use salt, olive oil and balsamic vinegar to dip.