
Pickled Green TOMATOES

I had heard of people eating green tomatoes but never had tried them myself.  At the unripe stage, green tomatoes are hard and not as juicy as the ripe ones. But every year the frost would roll over my tomato plants and ultimately kill them, leaving hundreds of green tomatoes behind.  And yes, I know that you can put them on your counter and wait for them to ripen, but I thought I would give green tomatoes a shot.  I decided to pickle them, this should not come as a shock as pickling is kind of my thing.  Turns out pickled green tomatoes are awesome.  I put them in everything, tacos, sauces, sandwiches.  They are like that secret ingredient that is not the main event, but the dish needs in order to create that unique flavor.  So, no more guilty feelings about tomatoes going to waste, green tomatoes are not just for the counter anymore.  In the following recipe you can can them, or just put into your refrigerator. 

Makes 6 pints

5 lbs small, firm green tomatoes, cored and quartered, or sliced

¼ cup canning salt

3 ½ cups vinegar

3 ½ cups water

6 or 7 cloves garlic

6 or 7 heads of fresh dill (you can also use ¼ cup dill seeds)

Combine salt, vinegar and water in a large saucepan.  Bring to a boil.  Pour over tomatoes, garlic, and heads of dill.  Let cool and put into a glass contain for the refrigerator.  If you are canning, pack the glass jars first with the tomatoes, garlic, and dill, then pour over the hot vinegar mix.  Following the pre-approved directions for canning.