No Beer for Butterscotch on her Birthday

March Newsletter


My phone sent me a photo of a year ago today with the birth of our loving cow Butterscotch McFartface.  Today Butterscotch is not so loving. She is shy and recently escaped from the barn, where her and her brother, Fitz, ran around the yard for a bit and snacked on the chicken’s food.  And while that may have been cute when she was 1 month old and 150 pounds, it is no longer so when she is 800 pounds and looking for greener pastures. 

Speaking of greener pastures, the photo of Butterscotch’s birth also showed a lush green backdrop and the absence of all snow.  But here we are in 2023 with at least two feet of snow left to melt and more on the way.  Despite our white spring outside, growth is happening on the inside.  Onions, leeks and chives have been seeded and sit out in a cold garage with nothing but a grow light.  Some vegetables thrive in the cold, like lavender seeds that spend a month in the refrigerator before being put into the dirt.  Others need a bit more heat, like the pepper seeds that I will be planting in two weeks.  They will be placed on a heat mat, in a warm room for a few weeks.  Hot peppers, need hot dirt.

But the ones that need the most care during this snowy March month is the chicks.  In their first week of life they need an outside temperature in the nineties. It is only when they start to lose their fluff and grow their feathers that they can handle the cool spring air. 

So back to mischievous Butterscotch and her brother, Fitz.  Although they love a 40-degree day, they too are feeling the effects of a long spring.  The snow is piled up as high as their fencing, making another escape just a short climb away.  They have adjusted well to their new feed from Third Act Brewery’s spent grain, but are slightly disappointed that the grain does not contain any beer.  Sorry Butterscotch, you’re under the legal drinking age for cows.

Here's What’s Happening at Rebel Pickle

Sign up for the 2023 Summer Share!  

Fresh produce and supplementary pantry items all summer long.  Egg shares are sold out, but new chickens will start laying mid-July and share members get first purchase of extra eggs!  Check out the website to sign up, or send an email to !

Keep an eye out for Spring Produce!

Some things just come too early, like asparagus, rhubarb and vegetable plants.  Asparagus and rhubarb should be ready by early May, I will send an email with ordering information soon.  Also, before you head to the greenhouse for your high-priced plants, check out the bulk produce page first to see what’s available here.   We’ve got tomatoes, potatoes, onion sets, pepper, and herb plants.  More to come!

Baked Goods and Easter Orders!

Check out the new items for your Easter Brunch.  Caramel Rolls, Cinnamon Rolls, Coffee Cake, Challah Bread, Kolaches, Tea Ring Bread.  More ordering information here!  If you’re looking for the Rebel Pickle classics, Cheesy breads, Popcorns, Pancake Mix, click here!