
1 package of Rebel Mojito Mint Scones Mix

1 stick cold butter, cut into half-inch pieces

1 tablespoon chopped mint

2 tablespoons lime juice

1/2 - 3/4 cup milk, cold


1 cup powdered sugar
2-3 tablespoons lime juice

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lightly grease a baking sheet or line with parchment paper.

Pour Rebel Mint Mojito Mix into a large bowl. Add the chopped mint and the cubed butter. Using a fork, mash the butter into the flour until the mixture is unevenly crumbly.

Add the lime juice to the cold milk. Add only 1/2 cup of the milk mixture into the dry-butter mix. Using a spatula, mix until the dough is evenly moist but not sticky. Add more of the milk if the mixture is too dry.

Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface, shape it into a rough ball, and roll or pat into an 8-inch disc.

Using a bench knife or a pizza cutter, cut the disc into 8 wedges, and transfer inch to the prepared pan. Leaving an inch or two in-between the scones.

Brush the tops of the scones with milk or cream. Place the scones in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Bake the scones until they begin to brown, about 18 - 24 minutes. Once brown, place on a rack and prepare the glaze.


In a small bowl place the powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon of the lime juice. Stir. Slowly add more lime juice just until the glaze is no longer clumpy. Drizzle the glaze over the scones. Serve warm.