Ready? Set? Now Plant Like Hell.

I can liken this growing season to the 100-meter dash.  The runner spends time to warm up, get into position and then wait for the shot to go off.  Once the gun has gone off, every muscle in your body is performing at its max, exerting all its energy to the 10-15 second race.  This spring feels a bit like the starting line gun shot, April was too cold and wet to even think about working the ground.  Now it’s sunny, somewhat dry and farmers are 2-3 weeks later in their planting than in typical years, so it’s an all-out sprint to get plants into the ground.

While planting is a bit later here on the farm, we do have produce in the ground.  Last week, an acre of multiple varieties of popcorn and sweet corn was planted in the back 40 of the property.  Over 6000 onions are in the ground and waiting to take hold. This week I, 3 small humans, and one somewhat willing partner, will plant 150 lbs. of potatoes that will hopefully grow into 2000 lbs of delicious Yukons, Reds and Fingerlings. 

The race has started, but unlike the 100-meter dash this race will be much longer, and the finish line is constantly moving.  One might even argue there is no finish line, but just the start of another race.