March Newsletter

Its March and we can all feel it.  The weather.  Its turning.  Today I looked at my weather app and the 10-day forecast displays nothing but mid-forties with possible fifties.  I suddenly have this strong desire to pack up my winter coats and snow pants, but I have been in Minnesota long enough to know you just don’t do that.  In 2013, I washed, folded, and stored all winter gear, only to have 18 inches of snow fall in late April.  In early May 2015, I could not take it anymore, I bought 20 tomatoes plants stuck them in the ground only to have all 20 plants hit by a light frost.  So yes, this Minnesotan knows not to shoo winter out sooner than it is ready.  But one area that I must push forward on is this year’s seeds. 

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Our seeds need to be ordered as soon as the catalogs start to come out, and this year has been particularly tricky.  Covid-19 has made buying seeds almost as difficult as buying a pool last summer.  Many suppliers have stopped taking orders just to fill the orders they already have.  Lucky for me, 75% of our seeds have been delivered with just a handful on back order, and a lot of our seeds were harvested right from the gardens last year.  So now might be a good time to look at what produce you might find in your weekly pick-ups.  As you know, Mother Nature does not always care whether you are trying to grow 1000 beets or a field full of sweet corn.  The best we can do is plant when we can, pray for rain, and pick weeds like crazy.  All the rest is up to Mother Nature.

Beans- Burgundy, Yellow Wax, Green, Black Beans, Pinto Bean, Cow Peas, Navy Bean, Northern Red Beans

Cabbage- Danish Bullhead, Golden Arce, Red Acre, Copenhagen, Bok Choi, Brussel Sprouts

Corn- Sweet Corn (2 varieties), Red Popcorn, Yellow Popcorn

Cucumbers- Slicing, Pickling, Lemon

Herbs- Anise, Borage, Catnip, Chamomile, Chives, Cilantro, Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Hyssop, Lavender, Leeks, Lemon Balm, Oregano, Sage, Basil, Thyme

Greens- Heading, Loose Leaf, Beet Greens Mustard Greens, Radish Greens, Swiss Chard

Root Vegetables- Carrot, Parsnips, Radishes, Beets, Onions, Russet Potatoes, Pink Potatoes, Red Potatoes, Garlic

Peas- Edible Seeds, Snow Pea

Squash- Summer Squash (Green and Yellow), Pumpkins Winter Squash, Pie Pumpkins, Spaghetti Squash

Tomatoes- Over 30 Varieties here is a few, Brandywine, Sunpeach, Jelly Beans, Lemon Boy, Aunt Ruby’s Green, Tomatillos, Mr. Stripy, Hillbilly, Old German and many more! Eggplant too.

Peppers- Habanero Orange, Big Jim, Bulgarian Carrot Chili Peppers, Jalapeno, Mini Bells,
