Lebanese Lemon Cucumber Salad


4-6 lemon cucumbers
1 medium red onion, chopped to desired size
1 bunch of mint leaves, finely chopped
1 cup of plain Greek yogurt (sour cream is fine too)
juice from one lemon
1 teaspoon and salt
pepper to taste
1/2 teaspoon of ground cumin

Using your hands, rub the skin of the lemon cucumbers to remove the prickly surface. Wash. Cut the lemon cucumbers in half and using a spoon, scoop out the seeds of the cucumber. Leaving the seeds results in a waterier salad. Your choice. After scooping, cut the cucumber into bit sized pieces. Set aside.

Add yogurt, chopped onions, chopped mint leaves (save some mint leaves for the garnish), lemon juice, cumin, salt and pepper into a large bowl and mix together. Once mixed, carefully mix in the lemon cucumbers. Salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with the remaining mint leaves. Serve and enjoy!