Sorry, Not Sorry, July Newsletter

Let me start by saying sorry for having my July Newsletter come out 19 days after the month of July started.  Really, I am just punishing myself here, because August’s Newsletter needs to come out in about 11 days from now.  I can not imagine what new events will happen during those 11 days, but it’s the farm, everyday surprises me.  Not sorry, because rather than writing a newsletter I got over 180 tomato plants tied up and pruned.  Give it a few weeks’ time and I will have tomatoes for days.

Speaking of tomatoes, here is my second “sorry”.  On Sunday, I was checking on my tomatoes and to my delight I found 5 Sun Gold Cherry tomatoes.  Now one would think 5 people in my family, 5 tomatoes to share, but no.  All tomatoes were consumed right then and there without regard to the people I love. Not sorry.  But I will be sorry when tomato season is over, because these cherry tomatoes were so damn good that store bought tomatoes just will not compare.  So, for ruining your winter tomato experience, I am terribly sorry. 

Well, I am sorry, but I am going to leave my “sorry, not sorrys” at that.  As my partner can attest to, I do not like apologizing more than I need to.  Produce bags will be full in the coming weeks as tomatoes, cucumbers, and beans start to come in.  (Not Sorry) If you are someone who likes to can pickles, salsa, tomato sauce, etc., stayed tuned to future emails about bulk produce orders.  Have a great rest of your July!

Unripe cherry tomatoes.jpg