January Newsletter

December is such a wash of a month.  With all the spending, eating, vacations, cookies, late night TV watching, every good habit that you had developed over the course of the year has been blown in the last 31 days of a 365-day year.  No wonder when January 1st hits, we make all these self-promises that in 2021 we’ll do it right when really it was just the month of December that was the real gong show.  January brings us back reality and quite literally, the party is over. 

In the vegetable farming world, the party is just starting.  Now is the time I start ordering my seeds for spring and, as my gardening partner can attest to, I go a little overboard.  I have over 35 varieties of tomatoes already ordered as well as over 1500 onions and that’s just the first wave.  Baby chicks are loaded in my virtual cart awaiting checkout, and I’ve got two bee boxes in California with my name on them.   Over the next coming weeks, I’ll be getting over 15 different seed catalogs each one will be read cover to cover in search of any new seed variety worth growing.  One could say that an off season for farming does not exist, but rather an “office” season is more accurate.