
Grilled Jalapeno POPPERS

I remember the first-time ordering jalapeno poppers, it was a local bar and they came in a basket with a huge side of ranch.  They were fried, stuffed with cheese with just a slight taste of jalapeno and they were fantastic.  Fast forward 20 years later and I still love jalapeno poppers but my body no longer agrees with fried food, plus there are other really good ways to enjoy jalapeno poppers where you can actually taste the full heat and flavor of a jalapeno.  We made these in the summer whenever we have the grill turned on, but you can make them in your oven as well.

Makes about 20 poppers

10 jalapenos

10-20 thin strips of bacon

8 oz softened cream cheese

4 oz shredded cheddar cheese

Cut jalapeno in half, lengthwise.  Remove the stem, seeds, and inner flesh.  Wear gloves. You will get the oils on your fingers which will ultimately go into your eyes.  Place empty jalapenos, wrapped in tin foil on the grill with low heat for 5-10 minutes.  If you are using an oven heat to 350 degrees and place in the oven for 5-10 minutes.  We are just trying to soften the jalapeno. If you like a little crunch you can skip this step all together.  While the jalapenos are heating, mix the cream cheese and cheddar into a small bowl.  Add a pinch of salt. Mix well and set aside.  Remove Jalapeno from heat and wait for the jalapenos to cool down before handling them.  Once they have cooled, spoon the cheese mix into the jalapeno.  Wrap the bacon tightly around the jalapeno and cheese.  Repeat with remaining pieces.  Place back onto the grill or in the oven and cook until the bacon is fully cooked.