Corn for the Freezer.jpeg

Corn for the FREEZER

Every year I overeat sweet corn when it comes into season.  I tell myself that the sweet corn season is fleeting and once its done corn on the cob is just not the same from the store.  But there comes a time when sweet corn cannot be consumed for that many days in a row and so it is time to take the extra sweet corn and preserve it for the winter.  While preserved sweet corn is never as good as the fresh stuff, it is still better than what you’ll find in the stores.  For the past 10 years I have preserved corn by freezing.  I took about 100 ears of corn and had my small humans shuck them until thoroughly annoyed by their mother.  I would then boil water in the biggest pot I had and blanched the ears for 5-7 minutes.  The lava hot ears of corn were transferred to an ice bath.  I use the term ice bath loosely because as soon as 6 ears of corn where placed in the ice bath all the ice would melt leaving luke -warm water to cool the second batch.  Ultimately the ice bath was like a hot tub making the next step of cutting the kernels off the cobs a major burning hazard.  So I was excited to receive this recipe from share holder that her mother-in-law insisted that she try.  Lucky for me this recipe blanches the corn after cutting off the cob and there are no ice baths! 

4 quarts corn cut off ears

4 tsp salt

1 quart water

1 cup sugar

Combine kernels, salt, water and sugar into a large pot and bring to a boil.  Boil for 5 minutes.  Leave liquid in corn and let cool completely.  Once distribute corn and liquid equally among 5-6 quart bags.  Remove air and freeze.