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When I was a kid, the coleslaw always came in that little cup along side the good stuff like French Fries and chicken strips.  I was never sure why restaurants would put a cup of vegetables with my meal.  I felt like this was my parent’s way of making sure I had something to balance out the French Fries and fried chicken strips.  It was not until a trip to Memphis that opened my eyes to the true reason for coleslaw, BBQ.  “Slaw” is not a side dish, but rather the perfect topping to your bar-b-que sandwich.  This recipe is the classic coleslaw recipe with either a vinegar base or a cream base. 

Serves as a side dish for a group 

1 large head of cabbage, shredded (if you have red use some, adds color)

2 carrots, shredded

Mayonnaise Based Dressing

½ cup mayonnaise

1 tablespoon white vinegar

1 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

½ teaspoon celery seeds

Salt and pepper to taste

Vinegar Based Dressing

3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

4 tablespoons of canola oil

3 tablespoons of white sugar

½ teaspoon of Dijon mustard

¼ teaspoon of celery seeds

Salt and pepper to taste

Combine all dressing ingredients into a bowl (Pick one, vinegar based, or mayo based).  Toss in the shredded cabbage and carrots.  Refrigerate for 1 hour to allow flavors to come together.