Basic Buttered PEAS

When I say basic, I do not mean boring.  I hate how “basic” has turned into something bad, like we somehow need to complicate something to make it better.  Now, I am all for new things, but I do not want to completely disregard the classics and peas and butter are as classic as they get. 

Serves a family as a side

1 quart water for boiling

½  pound peas, removed from shells

1 tablespoon salt, for the boiling water

1 tablespoon butter

Optional Toppings: pearl onions, chives, mint, parsley

Boil the water to a boil.  Stir in the salt and the peas.  Boil for 1-2 minutes, until they are cooked.  Drain peas and toss in a saucepan on medium high heat.  Toss until the peas have dried.  Add butter and salt and pepper to taste.  Top with optional toppings.