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Caprese SALAD

Let me set the scene for you.  It is a hot summer Tuesday night.  Your alone. Children and significant other are gone to a location to which you are unaware but do not care.  There on your counter sits a freshly picked tomato still hot from the day’s sun.  A bouquet of basil is laying down right beside it.  You remember that you bought that ball of cheese in the fancy cheese section at your local grocery store.  You find yourself working with absolute silence except for the knife slicing through the tomatoes and the cheese.  You plate your salad and find your favorite spot outside to sit and eat.  Nothing is said, nothing is needed from you, you just enjoy. As you set down your plate after the last bite you hear the crunch of the minivan tires pulling up the driveway. 

Serves you! Or a group of 4 as appetizers.

½ of a lemon, squeezed

Salt and pepper to taste

3 tablespoons of olive oil

1-1 ½ pounds of assorted tomatoes, sliced 1/2 inch

1 ball of fresh mozzarella, sliced

1 tablespoon of fresh basil leaves

Arrange your tomato slices and cheese slices alternately on a serving plate.  Drizzle the fresh lemon juice and the olive oil over the tomatoes.  Adorn with the fresh basil leaves.