BEET Greens (2).jpg

Beet Green CHIPS

I know what you must be thinking.  Beet green chips, really?  Yes really, but listen, I am not going to tell you that these chips are better than potato chips because you know I would be lying.  Beet green chips are just a fun way to use beet greens in a tasty non sauté sort of way.  They offer a much-needed crunch and finishing off a whole batch will not send your stomach into knots.  So, toss them on a salad or eat them right out of the oven but either way they will be enjoyed.

Serves as a snack

1 bunch of beet greens, ribs removed

2- 4 tablespoons olive oil

½ teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 300 degrees.  Line two baking sheet with parchment paper.  You do not want the leaves to be touching.  Wash and dry you greens very well.  Lay leaves in a single layer on the sheet, drizzle and spread the oil on the leaves.  Sprinkle with salt.

Bake until the leaves are slightly darkened, 15- 20 minutes.  Remove from the pan and enjoy right away.